OASE Biopress Set 6000
This pressure filter set consist of a BioPress pressure filter with integrated UVC and the suitable matching filter pump. They guarantee clear water and create a healthy climate for pond inhabitants. Product characteristics at a glance: Guaranteed clear water thanks to mechanical-biological cleaning combined with effective UVC technology. Incl. OASE filter pump 2500. Easy and convenient cleaning of the filter via the cleaning mechanism. Quick-release provides easy filter opening and closing for maintenance purposes. Different filter materials for optimal settlement of filter biology. It can be almost completely buried for almost invisible integration in the water garden. Higher elevated watercourses can be supplied with cleaned water. Includes all hose connections for fast installation.
- Ponds up to max: 6000 l
- Fish pounds up to max: 3000 l
- KOI pounds up to max: 1500 l
- Q max: 2500 l / hour.
- Max. head height: 2.2 m
- Power consumption: 52 W
- Dimensions: 350 x 350 x 450 mm
- Weight: 8.24 kg
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136,08 € Detail
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