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OASE OxyTex 400 CWS
Unique pond aerator with extensive settlement surface. Aeration, filter medium and design object. With the OxyTex CWS OASE offers a world innovation: The unique combination of pond aeration, circulation and settlement surface. The device, for which a patent application has been submitted, supplies the pond with vital oxygen, and through the ideal structure of the fibres, ensures that there is a lot of space for important microorganisms that decompose the nutrients.
100,79 € Detail -
OASE OxyTex 1000 CWS
Unique pond aerator with extensive settlement surface. Aeration, filter medium and design object. With the OxyTex CWS OASE offers a world innovation: The unique combination of pond aeration, circulation and settlement surface. The device, for which a patent application has been submitted, supplies the pond with vital oxygen, and through the ideal structure of the fibres, ensures that there is a lot of space for important microorganisms that decompose the nutrients.
151,21 € Detail -
Air stone disc 10cm
Excellent quality air stones, hardened with an aluminium alloy at high temperature (1300°C). The stones are very porous and produce very fine air bubbles for optimal aeration. Corrosion-free and shock-resistant. Suitable for oxygen, air, seawater and ozone in ponds, aquaculture, ozone generators and medical applications.
from 16,50 € Detail -
Air stone cylinder 17cm
Excellent quality air stones, hardened with an aluminium alloy at high temperature (1300°C). The stones are very porous and produce very fine air bubbles for optimal aeration. Corrosion-free and shock-resistant. Suitable for oxygen, air, seawater and ozone in ponds, aquaculture, ozone generators and medical applications.
from 30,90 € Detail -
HDPE Air Diffuser 400mm
These new air diffusers are made of a special HDPE (high density polyethylene) en supply extremely fine air bubbles. By means of a special process the pore openings on the inside are 350 micron and 120 micron on the outside. Pressure loss is smaller than 0.015 bar (15 cm!). To install with rigid PVC pipes. For use with flexible air hose fill the diffuser with pea gravel for counter weight). Connection ½” fem.thr. Energy saving (up 25% less energy costs). High airflow, less pressure loss. Unbreakable,…
from 49,00 € Detail -
Membrane aerator disc 25cm
Professional rubber membrane aerators. Suitable for industrial applications and for pond aeration. Output 133 and 166 l/min
from 52,00 € Detail -
Membrane aerator cylinder 37cm
Professional rubber membrane aerators. Suitable for industrial applications and for pond aeration.
49,00 € Detail -
Aeration Ring 25cm
Professional air ring with a diameter of 25cm is suitable for large koi ponds and trout breeding. Air rings are used by Japanese koi carp breeders.
38,50 € Detail
The air diffuser hose is anchored on a stainless steel base that keeps its shape and position at the bottom of the pond.
Diffuser hose diameter: 16 mm.
Brass hose shank: 9 mm.
Air flow: 2,400 l / h. -
Manifold 4 - Way
Manifolds for air pumps in heavy duty quality. 18mm pump connection. Diameter 9mm
from 58,80 € Detail -
Diversion 2-way
Very practical air manifolds that can be precisely adjusted with a handy knob. Suited for wall mounting
from 42,00 € Detail -
Air ball valve
Chromed ball valve with nylon grip. Max. pressure at 20şC PN 10, temperature -10°C - + 90°C. Female / Female Brass 3/8\. A=8mm, C=9mm, D=42mm
12,00 € Detail -
Super Air Aerator 40
The Super Air is a pond aerator that requires less pump pressure than the regular Venturis. With a Venturi, as much as 50% of water flow may be lost, whereas with a Super Air the loss will only be 10 to 20%. The secret lies in the special Stainless Steel grid onto which the water flow passes at increased velocity. The form of the grid causes optimal turbulence and mixing of water and air, providing efficient oxygen exchange.
from 86,00 € Detail -
Static mixer
The “static mixer” comes with standard 6 mm air hose connectors and can instantly be connected to the existing air supply. The “static mixer” mixes the air with the water flow. The Stainless steel blades assure an optimum mix of air with the water due to the circulation of the water. Also these blades “smash” big air bubbles, into smaller air bubbles which ensures better oxyge absorption. The static mixer has a relatively low resistance so that economical pumps can be used. Optimum flow…
315,00 € Detail