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Russian Sturgeon 35cm
The Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) is a species of fish in the Acipenseridae family. It is found in Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine. This fish can grow up to six feet and weigh almost 250lbs. Russian Sturgeon cannot mature and reproduce quickly, making them highly vulnerable to fishing.
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White sturgeon
The white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), also known as the Pacific sturgeon, Oregon sturgeon, Columbia sturgeon, Sacramento sturgeon, and California white sturgeon, is a sturgeon which lives along the west coast of North America from the Aleutian Islands to Central California. It is the largest freshwater fish in North America and is the third largest species of sturgeon, after the Beluga and the Kaluga. The white sturgeon is known to reach a maximum size of 816 kg and 6.1 m
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